SleepRx Snoring Mouth Guard

SleepRx Snoring Mouth Guard has been specifically designed to comfortably support the lower jaw in a forward position by repositioning it by ~0.1 inches. It opens up the airway sufficiently to allow the airflow to flow unobstructed while you sleep.


SleepRx Snoring Mouth Guard has been specifically designed to comfortably support the lower jaw in a forward position by repositioning it by ~0.1 inches. It opens up the airway sufficiently to allow the airflow to flow unobstructed while you sleep.

Made from soft high grade silicone our mouth guard is guaranteed to be a comfortable aid.

Never look for another mouth guard when you use SleepRx Snoring Mouth Guard.

Our mouthpiece is also perfect for teeth grinding.

Why do we snore?

Snoring is caused by a partial blockage of the upper airway behind the tongue.  When we’re awake, our breathing is unobstructed as our body consciously keeps our upper airway open. But when we’re asleep, the muscles around our airway relax, and the airway often becomes narrower. For most people who snore, air rushing through the narrowed opening causes the soft tissue in this part of the upper airway to vibrate, making the sound of “snoring“.


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